Where did April go?? Wow..It flew by so fast!! We are getting near the end of the school year and we are all ready for the summer. Cade has been doing great, but he is ready for school to be over. He even told me on the way to school this week he didn't want to go to school. I told him we didn't really want to either.:)
In April, we spent Easter with my parents and my brother's family.Mom and Dad's church had a car show and easter egg hunt, so of course Cade was in heaven! Cade loves to visit Nana and Papa. He also loves his cousin Brody! They have the biggest time together and Cade is so excited about getting to see them once again at the beach.
We have had some pretty bad weather in the last few weeks. Alot of wind and rain, but nothing in comparison to the damage we have all seen in Alabama. My mom and dad were spared also of the bad weather. The tornadoes that touchdown in Ringgold (where Chris and I were married) missed their area by an exit. We were so thankful!!
We have had some pretty days as well and have spent those being outside. We did some landscaping last weekend around the front of the house. Can I just say, I love doing yard work. If you ask Chris he will tell you that I LOVE mowing the grass, and actually a little OCD about it.
May will be busy for us as we finish up the semester, but we are looking forward to June and going to Texas to visit. Cade is so excited to get to fly again and to see everyone.
Cade has his five year old checkup tomorrow, and I am not looking forward to it. He gets 4 shots I think.. It won't be pretty. As far as his eye, we went back to Ohio a few weeks ago and everything looked great. We have to continue using the steroid drop 4x a day for 6 months. This has been somewhat hard, but Cade has done great. He has a chart on his door and he gets a sticker for every drop. At the end of the week he gets a surprise. It has worked so far, so hoping it continues. We might be broke in 6 months as well..:)
Waiting for the summer!
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