"Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.."
Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Patience is a virtue, but man is it hard!

Have not posted in quite some time and felt the need to write today.. The last few weeks have been very busy and we have tried to get Cade adjusted back to his school schedule. Let's just say we are still working on that, and not to mention that he did turn 3, so there are attitude adjustments in the work as well.
We never went through the 2's with Cade, so I think we are combining the 2's and 3's.. It has been very challenging already for me and I am asking the Lord everyday to supply me with the patience I need for Cade. Don't get me wrong he is not a terror at least most of the time.. just kidding, but he is going through the "independent, defiance" stage which is awful!!
I don't want to sound like I am harping on all the terrible things he does so let me tell you about the precious things he is doing at 3. He loves to carry on conversations with Chris and I and he gets so animated when talking.. love that. When sitting on the couch today, he came up to me and put his head on my shoulder and said "wuv you."..this is the first time he has done that! When getting dressed in the morning, he asks for "5 more minutes" before getting ready for school... love that! When saying his prayers at night he prays for each of his friends that! He is so competitive already at 3 and hates to miss a shot when playing basketball.. can I just say that I LOVE THAT!!!!!
Patience is such a hard thing for me.. everybody knows that about me.. one example, of my lack of patience occurred on Saturday. Our friends Jamie and Jennifer were going to let us borrow her mom's pressure washer. She lives right around the corner from us. I drove over there to get the thing and it was way to heavy, so I sent Chris and it was too heavy for him. I wanted to get the job done then(lack of patience) and didn't want to wait for help to load it in the car, so I walked down there and pushed the pressure washer back down to our house.. Man, I wonder what the neighbors were thinking..heck, what was I thinking? I am still reaping the consequences of that..I pulled something in my neck.. yep, lack of patience.
I have to make it an effort to allow the Lord to help me with this matter, but it seems the more I pray for patience, more things arise where I have to practice it. The Lord sure does have a sense of humor! :)

One more note, when we took Cade to his 3 year checkup, his doctor was very concerned about his tonsils. In fact, he said they were rather large for his age. We have another appointment in a few weeks and if you will please pray that they will not want to have them removed. Can't think of the thought of him going through another surgery! Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Gwen Oatsvall said...

we all need to work on patience ... can i just say i am laughing a little at your neck pain ...only you would go get a pressure washer by yourself because IT HAD TO BE DONE ... lol ...

love ya bunches

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About Me

Nashville, Tennessee, United States
I am a working mom who has the most amazing and supportive husband and the best kid in the world, who melts my heart everyday! I am a child of the King and thankful for my salvation!